Hey there ya'll! My name is Lauren Atwell. I'm a North Carolina Native and love photography of all types!
I'm married to who I believe is the most genuine man on the planet. We have a sweet baby boy named Luka, a precious baby girl named Eden, and a fun brindle pup named Bronco!
I love all things coffee, traveling, running, mommy play dates, and snuggling up on the sofa with some Netflix. We live In rural Johnston County and love being in the suburbs of Raleigh but also love the aspect of our small town life.
I expressed interest in photography a few years ago before my little man arrived. I took a little hiatus before diving in full force. Then along came COVID -19.
When shutdown took place, I decided to grab my camera and my bicycle and ride around the neighborhood to take porch family photos at a distance for anyone that wanted a little something to commemorate their time with family during this insane year. What I learned in the process? Time, Family, and Home are three important gifts that God blesses us with and should be cherished beyond words. Since these porch pictures took place, I've been gifted more opportunities than I thought possible. Beach, mountains, hometown, you name it. I am obsessed with any opportunity I get to capture your most vivid points in life, no matter where it takes me.
Pictures are an irreplaceable and a timeless gift that give you a lifetime of memories, nostalgia, and a sense of joy and comfort. Pictures reveal all emotions of human character and expose God's unique and magnificent creation at a stand still.
Some say the media is a sore subject these days, but I personally think its a tool that we can use to truly appreciate and share beautiful images taken as time passes us by. I want nothing more than to know that the pictures I take of you and your loved ones are used to bring happiness and love to you and the people you love for now and generations to come.
Please reach out to me and let me capture some magnificent pictures of you and your loved ones!